Understanding Europe is an educational network of 14 countries from Europe which offers counselling for educational projects regarding civic participation and a democratic Europe. The network is supported by the Schwarzkopf Stiftung Young Europe, led by and made for young people. It wishes to empower the youth to be active citizens in our society. The transnational Educational Network Understanding Europe empowers young people in Europe by means of democratic citizenship education and seeks to give them a voice. Station Europe is the coordinator of Understanding Europe in Romania and by connecting our country to this educational network, it aims to spread among schools the knowledge about European values and institutions, the meaning of European citizenship, mass-media and the use of digital technologies to create content for social good.
They are inclusive and dialogical thus supporting the participation of differently socialized target groups.
The project creates a protected space for learning and collaboration, offering young people opportunities to explore, get to know themselves and better understand other world views and experiences. Through this great network, Understanding Europe Romania has become our new educational project, since October 2021. Within, our team, composed of 18 trainers, 1 Coordinator and 1 Peer Educator is very eager to conduct the UE workshops and activities with young students.
Through Understanding Europe Romania we work to create a network of educators, trainers and coordinators that are able to develop complementary educational models and workshops, helping schools and teachers in their mission.
Enjoy the Moment
Discover the Magic
Transnational Training
From 28-30 April, Understanding Europe Romania had the chance to host the annual TT4T of the Understanding Europe network!
This transnational training gives the Trainers the opportunity to travel and attend workshops outside their country , getting to know people from across the network. Moreover, during their stay, the trainers that came from Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Armenia and Romania learned about the importance of seeing Europe’s unity in diversity and understanding its Eastern perspectives.
We participated in various sessions to connect, share opinions and widen our perspectives regarding our European society and culture!
We want to thank the Youth & Sports Commission for giving us the opportunity to bring these young Europeans into the greatest Romanian building, the Palace of Parliament , showing them a part of our history. There wouldn’t have been a better place to learn about diversity, Eastern European History and youth’s political representation.
March has ended with some great results, thanks to our trainers!
Through the Understanding Europe Romania project, the Station Europe team of trainers delivered 23 workshops to 649 students aged 12-16 from different educational institutions nationwide!
For 3 days, our new trainers went through knowledge and training sessions to start this year’s activity fully prepared!
T4T is an event where trainers learn the concepts and delivery methods of Station Europe’s and the Understanding Europe network’s workshops. Guided by our Peer Educators, the team simulates the course formats they will deliver in educational institutions across the country.
During the first edition of the Understanding Europe program in Romania, Station Europe formed a team of 15 volunteers. These young trainers held 25workshops in 10 educational institutions in Romania, covering a wide range of topics in European values, democracy, and media. The workshops aimed to inform and teach young people, students of different ages, about the current tendencies of today’s society, and their role as European citizens.
Furthermore, we organized the first edition of the SmartCityzens Debate on October 2022. This event gathered 15 young professionals with a common interest and experience in environmental issues, sustainability, and green & digitized cities. The main topic of the participation format was the development of smart cities (digital, green, sustainable communities) to fight climate change and build better communities for a healthier environment and lifestyle.
Understanding Europe is a project of the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe, funded by Stiftung Mercator. It is being implemented in cooperation with the European Youth Parliament (EYP) and Understanding Europe Germany. Understanding Europe Romania is coordinated by Station Europe.
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Mark Willson
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